B2B Lead Research Service

B2B Lead Research Service | VAOvernight.com

Aside from cost cutting, acquiring high-quality B2B leads is in high demand. Why is it? The answer is pretty easy: As a business, you must earn more than you spend. And the money comes from the customer. Surely, not every lead becomes a customer, a realistic ratio would be 100:1 at high-ticket items and slightly better at low-ticket items. 

So, as a business owner, you need always a constant pipeline of new, fresh, high-quality leads. They are a guarantee for growth and stability.

Researching new leads is a skill set. You need a systematic approach. Data about potential leads need not only to be gathered, they need to be analyzed, as well. When done correctly, the results are impressive.

B2B lead generation won’t go anywhere. It is a vital element for every business. So. let’s optimize it with us.

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Key Takeaways

  1. Consistent flow of new leads is important: B2B lead research is crucial for growth and stability. Only with a steady stream of new leads, and more important, quality leads, you can improve your sales and growth.
  2. Process: Define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), collect data, verify data, score the leads, and develop an outreach strategy. These are the main steps in the process.
  3. Benefits: Higher quality leads, scalability, competitive advantage. These are the main benefits of lead research/lead generation.
  4. Our Take: Customized approach based on your business, the market, and best practices.
  5. Support: Ongoing support and optimization. Craftmanship meets Strategy. Targeted outreach.


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Our B2B Lead Research Services

We can help you identify new leads for your business. Be it LinkedIn contacts, Email addresses, or phone numbers, our lead research services for b2b provide you with a list of quality leads with a high ROI.
Every industry and every business is different. Thus, only customized lead research works. 
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Your Lead Generation VA:

Affordable and quality-driven

We understand that finding the right VA is not easy and is a task on its own.

Therefore we are committed to help managing your lead generation process efficiently.

Our VAs are skilled and experienced, and deliver timely and reliable service and dedicated support.

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How We Do Lead Research: Just 3 Easy Steps.

B2B lead generation services don’t need to be that complicated. Our lead generation process is pretty simple, yet effective. 

Our research services allow your sales team and business development team to get in touch with high-quality leads and improve the sales process. 

Only highly relevant sales leads that match your business objectives are worthy to land in your database. 

Thus, verification is key.

The Process of Hiring A WordPress VA | VAOvernight.com

1. Step

First, we must know everything about your campaign and target audience. B2B sales are complex, and to ensure high-quality B2B lead research services we need to understand the main data points of your sales and marketing to get valuable and effective lead lists.

2. Step

Besides the data points, we need to know your requirements. We will then prepare a sample of 50-100 test leads for verification. After verification from your side and your feedback, we will adjust and continue.

3. Step

After we align with your specific needs, we provide you with further leads and a report on a daily or weekly basis. Alternatively, we can upload the leads directly into your CRM.


Our research team understands, that a steady increase in high-quality leads is crucial to elevate your business. And all our lists are hand-curated according to your requirements.

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What We Do

List Building

The money lies in the list is a meanwhile old saying, and it is true. Our list-building service will help you build a refined and targeted list of prospects. 

Based on your specific criteria like location, industry, company size, etc. our team provides and compiles a list of potential customers.

Our team uses various resources and sales research tools to create high-quality lead lists for you.

Company Profiling

With our company profiling, you will get detailed insights into your target companies. Ideal lead data contain industry, size, location, revenue, and top-level and second-tier decision-makers.

To get accurate data from a high number of companies we use various sources.

Lead Generation and Qualification

Our lead generation and qualification services involve different methods like online research, social media outreach, and more to generate leads based on your specific criteria.

Various criteria and a lead scoring system improve the outreach efforts for your Sales. Lead qualification helps you to validate the quality of your leads and prioritize them.

We will bring the leads and your Sales can focus on closing deals with them. 

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On Time. On Budget. On Point.

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